Mookie's AML 1000 Page

Mookie's Keiser AML 1000 Page


Schedule Links

Jeff Hornburg

Office Hours: half-hour before class; half-hour after class or by appointment

Login: student Keiser e-mail
Password: student number

Course Description: This course explores select American authors and literary texts. Topics include historical background, social forces, literary genres and elements. Reasons for studying literature and exploration of American literary movements and periods will be examined.

Required Text: The Norton Anthology of American Literature, shorter 8th Ed. Nina Baym, ISBN 978-0-393-91885-4.

Recommended Text: Any college level dictionary.

Attendance: Attendance is extremely important during the length of the course. Attendance is taken every class. Students are only allowed two consecutive absences. Three consecutive absences will result in being withdrawn from the course. If you are not in class when I take attendance, it is your responsibility to make sure I mark you present for the day. Your absence will not only hurt yourself, but others in the class as well. Any in-class assignments cannot be made up. Your attendance counts toward your participation grade.

Due Dates: All papers are due on the dates specified either on the schedule or in class (if due date is changed). Late papers will have a half-grade deduction for every class late (i.e., one class period late results in one-half grade deduction, two classes late is a full grade deduction, etc.).

Plagiarism: I do not tolerate plagiarism in my class. Plagiarism is the appropriation of other people's ideas or words and passing them off as your own. If I discover that you have plagiarized work, I have the options of failing the paper, failing you for the course, or having you expelled from the college. I understand there are instances of honest mistakes. I am willing to discuss any problems that may arise.

Keiser University's official policies on Academic Honesty and Professional Behavior can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Paper Format: All out-of-class assignments should be typed, with 1-inch margins all around, in 12-point standard font, and double-spaced. Papers will conform to MLA or APA style guide.

Cell phones and beepers: Please turn off any phones or beepers before class begins. Other electronic devices, such as mp3 players or video games, should also be turned off. These devices are disruptive and disrespectful to me and to the class. If I see you using a phone or other device during class, you will receive an "F" for that day's participation grade.

Dress code: The Keiser University dress code which you signed upon entering the college will be enforced. If you are not in proper attire, you will be asked to leave. You will not be allowed to sit for the final exam if you have violated the dress code, or if you have accumulated too many absences.

Students in Keiser University programs which do not require uniforms must wear dress slacks (no jeans) or dresses, as would be required of professionals in most work situations. Men enrolled in Keiser University programs must wear collared shirts and ties. Tennis, deck, running, aerobic/cross-training, jogging, flip-flops or open-toed shoes are not permitted. T shirts, pull-over shirts, shorts, cut-offs, beachwear, halters, tube tops are per se inappropriate. Students should be cautioned against wearing bare-midriff blouses, short-shorts, mini or micro skirts. Students displaying inappropriate dress after a warning may be asked to leave the classroom to change. Students will be readmitted upon displaying appropriate attire.

You are also required to display your Keiser ID badge at all times while on campus.

E-mail Etiquette: E-mail is probably the best way to get in touch with me for questions or comments. I also accept submissions of essays by e-mail. But, I expect senders to follow several rules for communicating by e-mail. Please identify yourself by name and class somewhere in the e-mail -- either in the subject line or in your message. Please make sure your return e-mail address works. If you are submitting a draft or a final essay by e-mail, please send it as an attachment to your e-mail. Please only send files in either MSWord or WordPerfect format, or as text files. I confirm submissions of drafts or final papers by return e-mail. If you do not receive a reply from me, try to contact me again.


Writing Studio:
Have you ever had difficulty choosing or developing a topic? Have you ever written a paper that lacks clarity or coherence? Sooner or later, we all struggle with our writing. Luckily, the Writing Studio is "dedicated to assisting writers at every stage of the writing process." We offer individualized consultations to help you brainstorm ideas or draft and revise your papers in a friendly and professional environment. For more information or to make an appointment, please contact: Ms. Belkis Cabrera, Writing Studio Coordinator, at or simply visit us on the third floor.

Writing Studio Website is at

English and Literature instructors are also available for tutoring at various hours.

Teaching and Learning Center (TLC): Are you feeling awash in the sea of college after transferring, coming from work, leaving home life? Students experiencing difficulty in test-taking, note-taking, studying or academic skills in general should seek assistance VOLUNTARILY from Ms. White at the Teaching & Learning Center. You do not have to wait to be advised or recommended by a faculty member; you can go to the TLC whenever you want for whatever you want. Ms. White can help with academic skills, time budgeting, and general support; if you have an issue at school, go see Ms. White, and if she can't help you, she will find someone who can. The TLC is located on the 3rd floor across from Room 301. It is open 10-4 daily, but Ms. White teaches in Room 316 Wednesday and Friday. The TLC is closed the 2nd Tuesday of each month. You can text, call, or email Ms. White at 404-484-3298 or Assignments:

Examinations (mid-term) - 20%
Assignments (daily quizzes, writing assignments, discussions, presentations, quizzes, participation) - 55%
Final examination/paper - 20%
Post-test - 5%


You should expect daily quizzes, either at the start or at the end of class.

I reserve the right to make changes to the assignments and assigned weights.

Grading Scale:

A final grade is determined using the following grading scale:









up to 64.99%


KEISER HOTLINE for information about cancellations: 1-877-3-KEISER (534737)

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Web Author: mookie j.t.
Copyright ©2000-2012 by j.t. hornburg - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED