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Mookie's Miami-Dade 1102 Page |
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Schedule (S) | Links |
Schedule (MWF) | |
Units - Chapters and Stories |
Jeff Hornburg | |
tutorjeff@att.net | |
Overview: This is a required general education distribution course in college level writing. Students will compose informative essays, write responses to variety of readings, and produce a documented paper based on research. This is a composition course and, for that reason, you are required to write a substantial amount. I am more interested in the way you write, than in what you write, i.e., I am looking at your ability to compose a logical, coherent essay that provides a thesis with adequate support.
Expectations: Over the course of the semester, you will develop essay writing skills based on a variety of techniques. These techniques will be integrated into all your writings by the end of the course. Your writing skills should improve over the semester such that you will be capable of writing a well-developed, well-structured, well-organized timed essay with minimal grammatical errors, such that they do not interfere with the content. Through the readings, class discussions, informal and formal writing assignments, you should acquire the thinking, reading, and writing skills that will prepare you well for the rest of your academic work and empower you to be more effective in your personal and professional lives.
Required Text: Literature: A Portable Anthology, 4th Edition, Gardner, et al.
Also recommended is any "Handbook" for grammar, e.g. The New McGraw-Hill
Handbook, Maimon, Peritz, Blake Yancey or The Bedford Handbook,
7th or 6th Ed. Hacker
A college level dictionary is also highly recommended.
In addition, I will supply the class with handouts of additional stories.
Resources: The Academic Support Center, located in Room 1400, is a valuable resource to assist you in your endeavors, both for this course and any other course which requires writing. Feel free to drop by or call 305-237-8730 to make an appointment with one of the tutors. The tutors will aid in grammar instruction as well as essay structure and general content.
Attendance: All of you are adults, at least in age. I expect you to make your own decision on whether to attend class or not. However, your absence will not only hurt yourself, but others in the class as well. Any in-class assignments cannot be made up. Because the syllabus is constantly evolving, due dates and exam dates may be revised. Your attendance will guarantee that you will be aware of any changes of these dates. Remember, late papers will be penalized (see Due Dates and Rewrites). I am not interested in hearing excuses for missing classes, tests or due dates. Any attempt to provide me with an excuse (other than death) will result in a one-quarter grade deduction from your overall grade.
Due Dates and Rewrites: All papers are due on the dates specified either on the schedule or in class (if due date is changed). Late papers will have a half-grade deduction for every class late (i.e., one class period late results in one-half grade deduction, two classes late is a full grade deduction, etc.). All essays may be rewritten as many times as desired, up until the final class period, to improve the grade. Rewrites must be accompanied by the previous version. To obtain a grade increase, some substantial improvement must be made other than grammatical corrections.
Plagiarism: I do not tolerate plagiarism in my class. Plagiarism is the appropriation of other people's ideas or words and passing them off as your own. If I discover that you have plagiarized work, I have the options of failing the paper, failing you for the course, or having you expelled from the college. I understand there are instances of honest mistakes -- I am willing to discuss any problems that may arise. Official policies on academic dishonesty can be found in Students' Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
Paper Format: All out-of-class assignments should be typed, with 1-inch margins all around, in 12-point font, and double-spaced. The research paper will conform to MLA style guide
Cell phones and beepers: Please turn off any phones or beepers before class begins. Other electronic devices, such as mp3 players or video games, should also be turned off. These devices are disruptive and disrespectful to me and to the class. If I see you using a phone or other device during class, you will receive an "F" for that day's participation grade.
E-mail Ettiquette: E-mail is probably the best way to get in touch with me for questions or comments. I also accept submissions of essays by e-mail. But, I expect senders to follow several rules for communicating by e-mail. Please identify yourself by name and class somewhere in the e-mail - either in the subject line or in your message. Please make sure your return e-mail address works. If you are submitting a draft or a final essay by e-mail, please send it as an attachment to your e-mail. Please try to send files in either MSWord or WordPerfect format, or as text files. I am generally able to open almost any format of file, however. I confirm submissions of drafts or final papers by return e-mail. If you do not receive a reply from me, try to contact me again.
3 out-of-class Essays (2-4pp) | 10% each |
1 research paper (4-7pp) | 20% |
1 in-class Essay | 15% |
1 mid-term Essay | 10% |
Several Response Papers (1-2pp) | 10% total |
In-class participation, homework, additional assignments | 15% |
A grade of "C" or higher will only be awarded if student has demonstrated college-level writing skills as outlined by Gordon Rule rubric.
College-level writing will have a clearly defined thesis, contain adequate support, utilize clear and logical organization, conform to standard edited American English, and be presented in an appropriate format.
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